Sassquad Strength Program

exclusively offered to the Sassquad trail running community only

Up to 92.4% of runners get injured in their training and competing lifetime. Up to 78% of these injuries are overuse.

And INJURY is the main reason people STOP TRAINING!

The typical runner thinks that more is better. If you have free time, fill it with more miles! This thinking leads to injury. Certain principles are widely accepted amongst runners: don’t increase your volume too much, follow a plan, don’t run in old shoes, don’t change your shoes the day before a race, etc. 

One training principle that hasn’t made it on the list in some circles is implementing a strength training program. Studies have shown multiple times just how important strength training can be for runners. If you examine the routine of nearly every professional runner and triathlete today, you’ll find multiple strength sessions each week - you should too!

You can reduce your risk for injury by 50% by implementing a moderate to heavy resistance strength training program just two times a week. In addition to reducing your risk for injury, research shows that participating in a heavy resistance running specific strength training program for just 6 weeks:

  • improves time to exhaustion by 21%

  • improves running economy up to 8%

  • improve time in the 5k - 10k by 5%

Following a strength training program specifically developed for runners will complement your endurance training to optimize your physical potential by increasing neuromuscular efficiency, delaying activation of less efficient muscle fibers, converting fast-twitch fibers into more fatigue-resistant fibers, improving muscular strength and power, as well as tendon stiffness, bone density, and joint health. This can all be achieved without an increase in body weight!

Each workout will include:

  • A comprehensive warm-up to prepare you for the session

  • A Compound lift to really build strength: Squats, deadlifts, bench press, lunge.

  • Accessory work to target sport-specific muscles and movement patterns: multi-planar and unilateral exercises like lateral lunges, single leg romanian deadlift, calf raises, single arm lat pull down, step-ups.  

  • Core Stability Training: We're not just doing sit-ups and crunches at the end of a workout and calling it a day. The program incorporates an element of core training with specific anti-rotation stabilization into all of the workouts to make sure your pillar strength is rock solid.

  • Power and agility training to not only improve your speed and ability to power up hills but also improve your bone and tendon health. 

  • Injury prevention training: this program is designed to reduce your risk of injury. This program will target all of your muscles and joints to keep you as resilient as possible. 

  • Easy to follow progressions so you know you’re building strength and power.

  • Be efficient (ain’t nobody got time for 2+ hours in the gym!)

These workouts will get you RESULTS. They will increase your strength, power, speed, time to fatigue, bone health, metabolic health, and reduce your risk for injury this season. 

Women are at a disadvantage due to our hormones. We start out with less muscle than our male peers and we lose more with age because our hormones aren’t conducive to muscle making. Our lean muscle mass starts to reduce around the age of 30:

  • Decreases 3% per decade b/w 30-80 y/o

  • Strength declines 30% between 50 & 70 & gets worse after that.

In addition, we tend to have more type I fibers (endurance) and less type II fibers (power, speed) and our type II fibers decline as we age. FUN!

But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

The good news is that if you follow a strength training program that is specifically designed for endurance enthusiasts and athletes with a special focus on the female, you can reduce your risk of an overuse injury, improve your bone density, improve your performance, time to fatigue, economy, power output, coordination, and metabolic health!

I created this program to help endurance athletes and enthusiasts like you and I to adapt their training as we age. More weight training, progressive overload, plyometrics, all balanced with cardio are essential to your success.

The Program Details


 2-3  focused STRENGTH days a week. 45-60 minutes a workout.


The WELLBODY Sassquad Strength Training Program is x2-3 sessions per week, with sessions repeating at a 4-6 week frequency with minor adjustments. Don’t feel alarmed if it seems like you’re doing the same things over and over! I tweak sessions every few weeks and do a minor refresh to keep things interesting and you progressing. The workouts are composed of compound movements, specific accessory lifts to complement endurance sports and activities, mobility and corrective exercises to address limitations, plyometric work for bone and ligament health, power movements for speed, moderate volume, heavier weight, more rest, and less cardio/sweating, etc. The goal is to reduce your risk of an overuse injury, improve your bone density, improve your performance, time to fatigue, economy, power output, coordination, and metabolic health! Simple + effective + efficient.

The program is broken down into 4-6 week blocks with 2-3 strength days a week of training. If you are a seasoned athlete and interested in incorporating a third strength session per week, you have the option, but 2 strength sessions per week are enough to achieve all the benefits of strength training. 

The workouts are designed for "progressive overload," which means you'll be tracking and increasing your weights and/or volume as you get stronger and the weeks progress, with the goal of adding more muscle,  while maintaining your leanness.

The workouts will be delivered to you on the True Coach app with form videos and instructions for each workout. You will have access to me for questions through the app's direct messaging portal. This is the best way to reach me.

Program Cost: I have partnered with Sassquad Trail Running to create a specific strength program for trail runners. The program is typically $59/month but if you sign up through this link, you will receive 15% off the monthly membership. You can cancel at any time prior to the next billing cycle if you are not satisfied.

Frequently Asked Questions


What equipment do I need?

Ideally, you'd have access to barbells, dumbbells, and/or kettlebells, a bench and/or a box. 

How are workouts delivered to me?

All of the workouts are delivered via the True Coach app. Each workout has video tutorials for every single exercise along with written instructions. I suggest downloading the app right onto your phone.

I'm a beginner, can I do this program?

The workouts are designed for intermittent lifters. You should be proficient in the main compound lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press) and kettlebell swings. This program is not for beginners. However, you do not need to have access to a barbell. The barbell lifts can be performed with DB/KB but you need to have access to 20+ lb.

What if I can’t lift 2 days a week?

Yes, this will be a common concern, and warranted. It is important to remember that consistency is key, and that is why the workouts are numbered. If you are only able to get one workout per week (which is the minimum to maintain strength, two to build), make sure you are repeating the same workouts each week to ensure progressive overload and lean muscle mass development. If you need help scheduling workouts around your races, email me and we can discuss your training schedule. 

How long will I have access to these workouts?

The WELLBODY Sassquad Strength program is a monthly membership. You have access to the workouts as long as you have an active membership. You can cancel at any time before the next billing cycle. 

When should I perform the strength sessions?

I recommend strength training on non-endurance training days. If you need to perform on the same day, I recommend at least 3 hours between sessions if able or pairing a strength day with an easy endurance session. Right before a hard workout or long run is usually not the best, as it creates additional fatigue. But,  you could combine a lift session with a harder shorter endurance session to get the positive training adaptions of training on fatigued muscles. 

Can I modify for injuries or chronic aches/pains?

This is on a case by case basis. send me an email so we can discuss in more detail and determine if the program is right for you.

Do I need to have access to a barbell or a gym?

No. But, you will need access to 20+ dumbbells or kettlebells. I will provide DB/KB substitutions for the barbell movements. Progressive overload is essential to building muscle and achieving results so you need to be able to progress the load over the program duration.

What's your refund policy?

There is a 30-day money back guarantee. You can request a refund if you have been consistent with the program and you are not satisfied within 30 days and receive a full refund.

Did I miss something? send me an email

Meet Dr. Colleen


Treating, training, and coaching in the fields of Physical Therapy, Nutrition, Strength, and Women’s Health for over 16 years. In addition to holding her Doctorate of PT from USF, Colleen is the owner of Well Body Lab, a certified Precision Nutrition Coach, StrongFirst Barbell and Kettlebell Instructor. She has worked extensively to create strength programs for athletes and has a special focus for the female client.

At Revo Physiotherapy and Performance in Boulder, Colleen hosts a weekly women’s specific class designed to help women feel confident in the gym and reduce their risk for injury by building techniques based on proven sports science and female physiology.



  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Science, University of Central Florida

  • Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of South Florida

  • SFG 1 Kettlebell Instructor, StrongFIrst

  • SFL 1 Barbell Instructor, StrongFirst

  • Certified Nutrition Coach, Precision Nutrition

  • Pelvic Health Physical Therapy level 1 Specialist,  American Physical Therapy Association

  • Level II Functional Dry Needling Specialist

  • Selective Functional Movement Assessment Professional

  • Rock Tape and Blade Certified Specialist, RockTape

  • CrossFit level 1 Trainer (former)

  • “Women are Not Small Men” Specialist- Dr. Stacy Sims

I am always happy to answer any questions you have. Just shoot me an email :-)

In health,
